yeaas ! derrick !
yeaas derrick ! i had added many different picx of derrick on my blog profile corner there le . feel free to take a look at it . hmm still dont decided to put up the tagboard yet in case those people are coming to flood again . they are such a nuisance . i just dont know what they want ...
hmmx today very tired lahx . cause whole afternoon never sleep mahx yah lohx . then keep doing tuition homework . kenna die liaox so much . hahas . haiz tomorrow have tuition again . sianx sia .. need to wake up early .. sobs sobs
well im looking forward to the revival rounds for derrick . well hongyi will be calling . for wenhuii im not sure about it . but i know that my online friends who are derrick's fans will call of cos including me . hahaha ~ wo ai weijian . bleahhx .
derrick you must jiayou during the revival rounds worx ! we will do our best to pull you back de ! dont let the history repeat ! JIAYOU JIAYOU !
erhhx . this sunday afternoon 2pm at junction 8 got them lehx . i dont know whether i could go or not . maybe not le . then lost a chance to meet derrick le . haiishh when can i meet derrick and take a photo with hiim ? wawas ~
alrights i had nothing to update . posting some pics .

well . different kinds of derrick . i like the 2nd column de 2nd pic . which can be found in u-weekly i think . of june de . wenhuii showed me before !

derrick,william,sebastian,leon and hagen . hehes .
hmmx today very tired lahx . cause whole afternoon never sleep mahx yah lohx . then keep doing tuition homework . kenna die liaox so much . hahas . haiz tomorrow have tuition again . sianx sia .. need to wake up early .. sobs sobs
well im looking forward to the revival rounds for derrick . well hongyi will be calling . for wenhuii im not sure about it . but i know that my online friends who are derrick's fans will call of cos including me . hahaha ~ wo ai weijian . bleahhx .
derrick you must jiayou during the revival rounds worx ! we will do our best to pull you back de ! dont let the history repeat ! JIAYOU JIAYOU !
erhhx . this sunday afternoon 2pm at junction 8 got them lehx . i dont know whether i could go or not . maybe not le . then lost a chance to meet derrick le . haiishh when can i meet derrick and take a photo with hiim ? wawas ~
alrights i had nothing to update . posting some pics .

well . different kinds of derrick . i like the 2nd column de 2nd pic . which can be found in u-weekly i think . of june de . wenhuii showed me before !

derrick,william,sebastian,leon and hagen . hehes .
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